Saturday, 30 November 2013


Finishing off with 57 blog posts and a final product that we are proud of we have reached the end. A large amount of effort from all of us has been put in and we hope it pays off.

Blog By:
Josh Barrett
Metehan Hizli
Josh Shea

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


This is the final version of our music video. We are very proud of the final outcome and we feel we have accomplished what we wanted with our final product. We have addressed all of the editing issues and other things that were pointed out to us when we displayed it to our audience to create the product we wanted to create with the help of some constructive criticism.

Post By:
Josh Barrett
Josh Shea
Metehan Hizli

Sunday, 17 November 2013


This is our final edit of my Magazine Advert to advertise the album. We made minor adjustments to the design, following the advice given to me through feedback on our first draft design.

Firstly we lightened the background as we wanted it to match the album cover. The album cover was made lighter as it didn't really look good being dark as it is a much smaller format. We feel that it actually worked out better in the end. After looking back at the magazine adverts we had analysed and reading peoples feedback, someone had commented on the fact that there wasn't any websites added to the poster. Using a small white font, (the same as the one used for the reviews), we added in a website for the artist and also a website for the record label. To keep the advert symmetrical we also added the record label logos on the left side which are the actual ones that are attached to Linkin Park.

We have still stuck to our initial idea of a plain and simple design while also including all the things that people will want to know.

Post By:
Josh Barrett
Metehan Hizli
Josh Shea

Friday, 15 November 2013


This is the front cover for our digipak. This is the first thing that people will see when they pick up the album so this has to be effective and we feel that we have pulled this off. We included all the things that we feel are needed in terms of a bonus content sticker, the band logo and name and album name.

This is the back of the booklet that would go inside the case. It contains contact information for the bands fan club and website URL's for the record label and band. Looking at other album digi paks we realised that this is something that is used rather commonly. Before we put this text on this panel we were short of ideas for what to actually put on it but in the end it turned out for the best.

This panel will be below the CD In the case and the Linkin Park logo will be just underneath the clip that holds the cd in place. This panel is very simplistic but it doesn't need to be anything special as it will be under the CD.

This is the back cover to the album's digipak. This is where you will find the track listing for the album and also more info about the bonus content that is included. Other information included is down the bottom and it consists of logos for record companies, websites and a barcode. This is one of the most insightful parts of the digipak as it contains all the information about the album that a consumer would want know.

Post By:
Josh Barrett
Josh Shea
Metehan Hizli

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


After showing our teacher our teacher our ancillaries we got a few different comments back. Some constructive and some praising. We were told that the digipak has a more polished look to it and that we should try and make the advert look similar. We used different fonts on the digipak as well because these are the actual fonts they use, we are going to add this font to the advert.

Need to change:
- Make advert image lighter.
- Change advert fonts.
- Add extra details to advert.

All of these changes are easily doable and we think that they will benefit us.

Post By:
Josh Barrett

Friday, 8 November 2013


 IDEA 1.


Here are the two ideas that we have created for our digi pak. We all contributed to both of them and we made more than one so that we have a choice to pick from to get the best one and we can get other peoples opinion on the matter. As a group we all feel like idea one is better. It looks a lot more polished and it also matches the magazine advert design with the face being to the left side of the composition. It also follows more of the criteria that we need to in the shape of a bonus content section.

Post By:
Josh Barrett
Josh Shea
Metehan Hizli

Thursday, 7 November 2013


 IDEA 1.


The two first ideas for our advert are as seen above, there not too different in terms of content but they both have a different feel to them. As a group we still haven't decided weather we want to include the reviews on the advert. We all think that the slick simple look is one that if executed correctly can look very professional and the advert without the reviews follows this less is more attitude. 

Post By:
Josh Barrett
Josh Shea
Metehan Hizli